Do you want to take a trip down Bagsværd- or Lyngby lake? Then you have the opportunity to borrow kayaks or canoes from The P.O. Pedersen Dormitory. The only prerequisites necessary to do so is that you are a resident of the dorm and that you have reserved the equipment in question in advance.
The use of canoe- and kayaks are open from April 1st to October 31st every year.
Any reservation can happen through the dorm’s reservation system. Remember to always orient yourself on other residents reservations so as to prevent double bookings. See how you make a booking under Booking.
About the dorms canoe and kayaks
The P. O. Pedersen Dormitory has in total 4 canoes as well as 4 kayaks that residents can borrow. All utilities, of which there are life jackets, paddles, roll trolleys as well as canoes and kayaks, can be found in the shed closest to Bagsværdvej (See picture further down the page). The shed can be opened with your key fob/key tag (read more about your key fobs here: Keys). When borrowing kayaks and canoes, please place the equipment in its usual place after use.
If the equipment is damaged or something is missing, please contact the sports committee. Information about them can be found on the VIP-list.
Loan of canoes and kayaks is at your own risk. Think before and while you are sailing, and be sure to not sail while there are thunderstorms or something of the like. You are not covered by the dormitory’s liability insurance when you are sailing. This means that if you damage the property of others while sailing, and if you don’t have liability insurance yourself, then you have to pay.

How to find the lakes
By using the route behind the gas station shown in fig. 1 you can get to the lakes without having to use stairs. The route is approximately 900 meters long.
Transportation is much easier if the canoe or kayak is strapped to the cart using the orange luggage straps.
Tips when using the canoes
The canoe can be securely fastened to the cart by using two luggage straps as depicted in following two pictures. This makes transportation a lot easier.
The cart should never be left at shore in order to prevent theft.
Tips when using the kayaks
The kayak can be securely fastened to the cart by using two luggage straps as depicted in the following picture.
The cart can easily be contained in the cargo hatch by taking off the wheels, see the following picture. Be aware not to lose the lock pin. The cart should never be left at shore in order to prevent theft.
Inventory list
- 4 canoes
- 4 kayaks
- 9 canoe paddles
- 4 kayak paddles
- 12 regular life jackets
- 2 kayak life jackets
- 2 small carts (kayak)
- 4 large carts (canoe)
- 12 luggage straps
- 2 spraydecks
Terms of use
- The dorm has 4 canoes and 4 kayaks at the disposal of the residents.
- This service is free of charge.
- To use the canoes and kayaks you need to first have made a reservation at
- The user is liable for any damage caused to the equipment.
- The equipment may only be used within the season as announced by the Sports Committee.
- The equipment may not be reserved for a period of more than 48 hours at a time.
- The equipment may only be used with departure in Bagsværd Sø or Lyngby Sø.
- Canoe and kayak carts may not be left at the shore when departing, they must be taken along.
As a user of the equipment you are subject to the terms stated in the House regulations.