Residents meeting

At every residents meeting decisions which affects the future of the dormitory are made. Everyone who has something to add can do so, and everyone has equal opportunity to influence and shape the dorm. It is here you have the opportunity to create something you want to see in the dorm.


The many decisions for the dorm comes to a voting, and you can voice suggestions yourself to subjects that can be discussed at the meeting. Every year there are two residents meetings. It is important that you, as a resident, attend these if you want to influence what happens around the dorm.

It is at the residents meeting that you can vote on changes around the dorm, as well as approve budget and changes in rent. Furthermore, you can become a member of various Committees and the Residents board during the residents meeting, if there are available spots.


Minutes from earlier residents meetings can be seen here.

Last edited: 18. May 2019